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Author: Laure

vue panoramique de Paris

Students: Where is the best area to live in Paris?

Finding accommodation in Paris can be very challenging as a student … but choosing the right area to live in is even harder! Indeed, Paris is a great city full of neighborhoods and districts with very different feels. We are going to focus on two areas that have always appealed to students hoping to live in Paris: the Latin Quarter and République- Bastille.

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How to find good wine in Paris and have it delivered to your doorstep

Enjoying good wine is an essential part of the Parisian experience. But how can you find good wine in Paris, if you don’t know anything about it? It can all seem a bit daunting when you are a long way from home and without any help. To try different wines, gather information and find some hidden gems, you’ll have to think outside the box and move away from the traditional wine trade.