How to find the ideal unfurnished rental in Paris

How to find the ideal unfurnished rental in Paris

Moving to a new city for a long-term period can be extremely exciting: new horizons, new projects and a new apartment waiting for you. To feel at home, what could be better than a new, unfurnished apartment to let you express your personality and creativity? In this post, Lodgis wants to give you some advice to guide you through your search for an unfurnished rental.

1. Optimize your search

Maximize your chance of finding the ideal unfurnished rental means having very precise criteria in terms of the type of property, surface area, arrondissement, as well as knowing your priorities.
We strongly recommend that you rank your criteria clearly, from what you can’t possible do without to what you don’t mind compromising on. This way you can optimize your search for an unfurnished apartment with an organized mind.
You can also fill out the contact form with details about the type of unfurnished apartment you’re looking for so that our team can contact you.

2. Subscribe to e-mail alerts

It’s possible to find your ideal apartment right away, but most of the time the search, whether through the internet or agencies, can take some time. If you would like to find the perfect unfurnished rental as soon as possible, subscribing to an e-mail alert is definitely the best idea!
This tool allows you to receive advertisements for apartments that meet your criteria that become available. However, please note that when filling out the e-mail alert form, it’s important to only put in the crucial details since if you’re too specific in your criteria or if you ask for services that are rare in France (air conditioning, for example), you’ll be much less likely to receive offers for what you’re looking for.

3. Prepare your file

Better safe than sorry, so that if you fall in love with an unfurnished apartment in Paris, you can send over your file as quickly as possible and be more likely to secure it!
To avoid carrying your documents everywhere with you, scan them and send them to Lodgis, or even upload them to a USB stick. Please note that you’ll need the following documents:
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  • ID or passport
  • proof of address
  • your three last pay checks and your employment contract
  • your three last rent receipts


4. Visit the unfurnished rental of your choice

There are lots of different ways these days to view a property and get a good idea. Lodgis is one step ahead of the curve and has innovative new ways to let you know exactly what to expect in your apartment.
The virtual tour system lets you to visit an apartment without being there! Furthermore, in addition to the pictures taken by our team, you get a detailed map to view your favorite unfurnished rental, as well as a map and pictures of the neighborhood!
When you think you’ve found your true love, don’t hesitate to contact our team to book a visit. Visit the unfurnished apartment you like and remember to ask all the questions you can think of while you’re visiting. It’s always better to know too much than not enough!

5. Before you move

We strongly advice that you inspect the apartment and that you read the lease agreement carefully before you sign it.
It is important to write down everything you may have noticed during the inspection, please note that Lodgis takes what you and the owner say into account during this visit. This way, when you’ll be moving in or leaving, when you leave the apartment it’s obvious what is your responsibility and what was already like that.
Lodgis wishes you good look with your hunt for an unfurnished property in Paris! For more practical information, don’t hesitate to read our post on how to make an insurance claim for damages to a furnished or unfurnished rental!