Free activities in Paris for students and under 26s

Free activities in Paris for students and under 26s

Paris can seem like an expensive city, but luckily there are lots of free activities available for students to help get to know the city better! Many monuments, museums and attractions offer free admission for students and under 26s. Here is our selection of the best free activities in Paris for students.


Students and EU residents under 26 have free access to all the national museums and monuments in France. Lots of Paris’ famous museums fall under this category such as the Louvre, the Musée d’Orsay, the Musée de l’Orangerie and the Centre Pompidou. Just remember to bring your student card or another form of ID! Usually entry is only free for the permanent collections and you may have to pay for temporary exhibitions.

free activities museums
Some museums offer other free entry conditions. Many museums are free for all visitors on the first Sunday of each month. The Louvre offers free entry to visitors under 26 regardless of nationality every Friday after 6pm.


There are many national monuments in Paris that offer free entry for students and under 26s. You can get to know Paris better with a free trip to the Arc de Triomphe, the Panthéon, Notre Dame cathedral or Saint Chapelle! In order to gain free admission, you just have to show your ID or student card.


free activities monuments
[eltd_custom_font content_custom_font=”Free admission to national museums and monuments for students/under 26s doesn’t just apply to Paris! You can visit a whole range of other places in the surrounding areas and across France for free including the Palaces of Versailles and Fontainebleau!” custom_font_tag=”p” font_family=”handlee” font_size=”20″ line_height=”” font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”500″ color=”#000″ text_decoration=”none” letter_spacing=””]

Kiosque Jeunes

For the chance of going to a concert or the theatre for free, head on over to the Kiosque Jeunes! They offer free tickets for students under 30 living in Paris. You just need to bring proof that you live in Paris or that you’re a student and you could enjoy a free evening of culture at the theatre for two people. The kiosk also has lots of other reduced rates and students discounts for shows and concerts, so it’s definitely worth checking out.
Address: 10 passage de la Canopée 75001
Opening hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 7pm.

Pass Jeunes

This is great idea if you’re planning on staying in Paris over the summer and are looking for new ways to explore the city. The scheme is organised by Paris City Hall and offers young people a little coupon book full of discounts and free tickets to a variety of places across Paris. You can use it for museums, cinemas, swimming pools, sports events, exhibitions and so much more.
You have to be between 15-25 and living in Paris or in one of 11 towns surrounding Paris (you can find a list here) to be eligible.
The Pass Jeunes is free to obtain and is available whilst stocks last. All you have to do is sign up on their website, order your pass using your Citoyen Card and then pick it up from one of the 17 collection points. If you don’t have a Citoyen Card, you can order one here. It couldn’t be easier!
The discount tickets are valid between 15th June – 15th September 2018!
So as you can see there are so many exciting places waiting for you to discover and with free entry, there’s no excuse now!
Did you enjoy this article? If you’re looking for more ways to enjoy Paris on a budget, be sure to check out our article on the best apps for students in Paris!