Where to get food on Sundays in Paris ?

Where to get food on Sundays in Paris ?

Did you go out on Saturday night and have just woken up on Sunday morning, starving and without a single crumb in the fridge? Welcome to Sunday in Paris, when supermarkets are often closed on the one day of the week when you need them the most!

Which stores are open on Sundays in Paris?

What should you do? Silently starve to death? Fortunately there are solutions, but that will mean leaving the comfort of your bed:

– Most Franprix supermarkets are open on Sunday morning, so get up and get moving!
– There are also Asian supermarkets called “Tang Frères” in Belleville and in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Most of their products are imported from Asia, but you will find French products. These stores will come to your rescue!
– There are also some Monoprix grocery store open on Sundays. You can check out their website here for a complete list of stores that are open on Sundays. Simple and amazing.

Which stores are open in my Parisian neighborhood on Sunday?

Inside of the covered market of Saint Quentin - neighborhood gare de l'EstIf you don’t feel like moving, especially on a Sunday, there are also convenience stores that stay open and sell food and drink. Just be careful with the expiry dates on products and be prepared to pay a higher price! Whatever happens, you’re going to have to leave your apartment, but there are tons of convenience stores in each neighborhood, so you’re bound to have one nearby.
For many people, there’s nothing better than going to the local markets. This blend of delicious smells and products is a popular activity for many Parisians on Sunday mornings.
By the Gare de l’Est, for example, the site of the former 17th century Saint Laurent fair, you’ll find the covered market of Saint Quentin. Easily accessible from the Gare de l’Est, you can taste products from Brasiuuu, Portugal, cheese, ham, etc.
Here is a website to help you finding your nearest market.
For more Parisian tips and tricks, check out our article on what to do in Paris when its cold and rainy!