Lodgis is an SAS (simplified joint-stock company) with 140 000 € capital.
The headquarters are located at 51 Boulevard de Courcelles – 75008 Paris – France.
Email: accueil [ arobase ] lodgis.com
Registered at the RCS Paris: 423 936 376
VAT identification number: FR42423936376
Professional card n° CPI 7501 2016 000 014 329 provided by the CCI of PARIS ILE DE FRANCE allowing “Transactions in properties and business capital – estate management”, guaranteed by GALIAN – 89 rue de la Boétie – 75008 Paris – France for 3 600 000 € for estate management and 110 000 € for transactions.
Real estate agent activity is regulated by law n°70-9 from 2 January 1970 (the Hoguet law).


The User is informed that the website is edited by the company:
Simplified Joint Stock Company with 140 000 € capital
RCS PARIS B 423 936 376
VAT identification number: FR42423936376
Headquarters: 51 Boulevard de Courcelles, 75008 Paris France


The Publication Manager for the website is Mr Frank MORCANT.

Photo Copyrights : Adobe Stock, Freepik.com, Google Image, Unsplash.com


The User has the possibility to contact the Company:
by simple mail to the address provided in article 1.1 above;
by email using the contact form;
by telephone on +33 1 70 39 11 11 Monday to Friday from 10:00 – 18:00 (at no additional charge).


The Website is hosted by Cyllene SAS with 9 245 948 € – RCS Paris 815 314 414
Headquarters: 93-105, rue Veuve Lacroix, 92000 Nanterre
Tel: +33 1 41 19 40 40