Tenants: how to move out of your furnished rental or extend your stay

Tenants: how to move out of your furnished rental or extend your stay

Are you a tenant looking to move out of your furnished rental property early for any reason? Or are you coming to the end of your lease and are looking to extend your time here in the Île-de-France? Don’t worry, we have the answers to these concerns in this article, so that you are not left wondering what your options are.
Although, at first, it might appear daunting to end or extend your tenancy on your accommodation in Paris, it is really not that hard! There are 3 options for moving out, depending on what type of contract you signed for your rental. We offer three types of furnished rental contracts. So check which contract you have signed and read the following options for terminating a lease:


Firstly, if you signed a Principal Residence lease it is possible to move out of your rental property whenever you would like. All you have to do in this case is write a tracked letter explaining to the landlord that you would like to move out. This has to be sent one month in advance of when you plan on leaving in order to give the owner some notice so they can organise what to do next. It’s as simple as that!


If you signed a Mobility lease (or ‘bail mobilité’), you will have a specific moving out date. You have two options as a tenant for moving out. Either, you wait out your contract until the rental agreement expires at the end of the agreed period, or you can leave in advance, but again you have to give a ‘lettre recommandée avec accusé de réception’ (which means a tracked letter with acknowledgement of receipt) to the landlord with a one month notice of when you plan on moving out of the apartment or the studio.


A Secondary Residence lease is similar to a Mobility lease in the sense that there is a specific start and end date. Evidently if you wait the contract out until it’s finished, you will have nothing specific to do. However, if you wish to end your lease early, again all you have to do is write a tracked letter to the landlord giving them a one month notice before you plan on leaving.
Click here to see our selection of furnished rental apartments in Paris.
If you plan on extending your stay instead, there are options. These again depend on what type of contract you signed so check that and read the options below:


If you have signed a Mobility lease you will be eligible to extend your stay, however due to French law, the maximum length of this sort of contract is 10 months, so you will not be able to extend your contract longer than that. For example, if your lease has only been signed for a period of 5 months, you can extend it up to 10 months, but no further.


If you signed a Secondary Residency lease, you have to tell Lodgis if you plan on staying longer. You will be able to extend your lease if the rental is still available for the dates of your planned extension. The property may have already been agreed to be rented out to someone else, however, so it is best to ask early on in your stay if possible. If an extension on the rent is agreed by the landlord, an amendment will be made to the rental agreement to account for this. In addition, depending on how long you extend your stay for, you may be asked to pay another security deposit.
Once you have given your landlord a notice asking to leave your furnished rental, the process is quite simple. To extend your stay, it can be harder but it is definitely possible. You just have to wait for a response and hope the property is still available!
So there it is, a quick rundown of the options you have as a tenant wanting to leave your property early or wanting to extend your stay. This is just a brief overview of some of the options for three different contract types. Don’t hesitate to check out our website for more information or contact the agency if you are still wondering exactly what to do next.

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If you are still in the stage of trying to find the right property to rent in Paris, check out our article ‘Tips for moving to Paris and renting an apartment’ to help you with how you should approach your search to find your new home.