Booking an apartment in Paris: when and how to start?

Are you looking for an apartment in Paris and would like detailed information on how to book your dream apartment? Lodgis knows everything about booking furnished rentals in Paris has plenty of tips to help your dreams come true and let you travel with total peace of mind.
Plan ahead
Most people think they need to start looking for an apartment way before their arrival to make sure they will secure it, or that they can just turn up in Paris and find an apartment. These are not the best ways to find accommodation!
This is why we think establishing initial contact with the agency’s booking service between 2 and 4 months before your arrival is a good to get an idea of the process and find something already available. Moreover, it will allow you to speak to your advisor directly and ask them about the documents you will need, as well as the availability of the apartment you’d like to book.
Reading the availability calendar
We recommend that you keep an eye on the calendar located below the apartments’ description on our website. The available dates for the apartment are grey, whereas the dates the apartment is occupied are orange.
If you book this apartment just after it becomes available, you’ll be most likely to secure the apartment you want. To maximize efficiency, landlords like to be able to rent out their properties right after the previous tenants have left.
[eltd_custom_font content_custom_font=”Please note that the tenants occupying the apartment have priority and thus can decide to extend their stay” custom_font_tag=”p” font_family=”handlee” font_size=”20″ line_height=”” font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”500″ color=”#000″ text_decoration=”none” letter_spacing=””]
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Use the e-mail alert
If you still haven’t managed to find an apartment that suits you, your best ally is the e-mail alert. You only need to click on the “email alert” section and fill out the form with your search criteria to be sent advertisements for available apartments that match your needs.
[eltd_custom_font content_custom_font=”Be careful when listing your criteria in the form. If you are very specific, you’ll risk receiving very few alerts or even none. In order to receive more alerts, the best thing to do is to only provide the essential details! For example, give priority to the apartment type and location (surface area, arrondissement, dates) and avoid asking for things like air conditioning, which are incredibly rare in Paris.” custom_font_tag=”p” font_family=”handlee” font_size=”20″ line_height=”” font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” font_weight=”500″ color=”#000″ text_decoration=”none” letter_spacing=””]
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Be patient
Apartment hunting can be very difficult and unpredictable. Anything is possible! However, it also means there are plenty of opportunities and sometimes the ideal apartment becomes available just at the last minute or a new furnished rental is added to our website.
Don’t forget some seasons are more popular than others, such as short and long-term rentals from September or short-term rentals from July or December. We recommend that you start your apartment hunt at least 4 months before moving!
We hope this post on finding an apartment in Paris is helpful and that your dreams come true with Lodgis!