Where to play football in Paris?

Are you living or staying in Paris and mad about football/soccer? Do you fancy playing football with friends, morning, afternoon or evening? There’s just one thing you need: a pitch. Where can you play football/soccer in Paris? Lodgis answers all your questions in this post!
Public stadiums
Entry is free and there is open access at specified times. However, a track, stadium or any equipment might be reserved by clubs or schools.
In Paris itself there are many municipal football pitches. In the surrounding region there are similarly many municipal stadiums. Access to the main station used by the city’s professionals is prohibited, but access to the training pitches is free. Don’t hesitate to take a look at the Mairie de Paris’ official website to find the addresses for different stadiums in Paris!
The “city stadiums”
There are less of these, but they are very popular. These “city” pitches are “mini-stadiums” where you can play football (sometimes with basketball hoops) with friends (5 aside normally, the maximum capacity of these small football pitches is about 10 people).
There is no official list available, however! There are sometimes “city stadiums” inside public stadiums and in downtown neighborhoods.
The “futsal” (indoor football) …
These are perfect is you can’t find a stadium and want to organize a football match with friends. Here you can book a stadium and pay to play for an allotted time.
There are two major chains specializing in this kind of indoor football/soccer pitch:
FIVE : http://www.lefive.fr
URBAN SOCCER : http://www.urbansoccer.fr/
Prices generally range from €5 to 10€ (per person), depending on when you book (weekday or weekend). Promotions are regularly available (1 hour purchased = 1 hour free for example). Timings are normally very flexible (usually 9:00 am to 2:00 am).
The term “indoor football” is becoming less and less popular. But these football complexes for 10 players (five-a-side) sometimes have “outdoor” football pitches that you’ll also need to book. These are private fields, so you have to book to play football in Paris.
No more excuses! Get a ball, find a team… AND PLAY!
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