Thanksgiving 2017: Mac and Cheese Dauphinois

Thanksgiving 2017: Mac and Cheese Dauphinois

Celebrating Thanksgiving 2017 in Paris may seem like a daunting task, but it is completely possible to enjoy a weekend with your nearest and dearest while staying in Paris. We’ve even provided a few French-American thanksgiving recipes so you can merge heritages, forge new traditions and create unique memories while celebrating Thanksgiving in Paris.
The first Thanksgiving was in a foreign land, with strange new food and new people. Channel that heritage with this recipe, which merges classic Thanksgiving Mac and Cheese with the traditional French comfort food Gratin Dauphinois, which dates from 1788. Celebrate French and American history this Thanksgiving!

Mac and Cheese Dauphinois

    650ml double cream
    500ml whole milk
    3 garlic cloves
    3 large potatoes
    500g elbow macaroni
    100g cheddar cheese

Pre-heat oven to 190oC. Bring cream, milk and garlic to a simmer. Add potatoes, cut to 2-3mm slices, and cook for 5 minutes. Remove potatoes and garlic from cream mixture and tip in pasta. Cook for 4 minutes and discard garlic cloves.
Remove 4 tbsp of cream from pan. Pour pasta cream mixture into an ovenproof dish. Layer sliced potatoes over pasta and pour remaining cream over the top. Sprinkle cheese over potatoes and bake for 30 minutes.
[eltd_custom_font content_custom_font=”Try adding fried bacon before baking!” custom_font_tag=”p” font_family=”handlee” font_size=”20″ line_height=”” font_style=”normal” text_align=”center” font_weight=”500″ color=”#000″ text_decoration=”none” letter_spacing=””]
If you’re staying in Paris over Thanksgiving, why not consider renting one of our large family apartments to have all your loved ones near to you? Or maybe these two three-bedroom apartments with large kitchens (with dishwashers!) and dining rooms to rustle up the perfect Thanksgiving feast?

Three-bedroom apartment with dining room and dishwasher!
Three-bedroom apartment with dining room and dishwasher!

Three-bedroom apartment with dining room and dishwasher!
Three-bedroom apartment with dining room and dishwasher!

If you want to know more about celebrating Thanksgiving 2017 celebrating Thanksgiving in Paris make sure you read our post before turkey day!