Where to find street art in Paris?

Where to find street art in Paris?

Over the past few years, anonymous and famous artists alike have decorated Paris’ streets. There is street art for all tastes: black & white, colourful, graffiti, stencils and even collages. One thing is for sure, street art is everywhere in the capital. Nowadays, it enjoys artistic recognition and has become famous on an international scale. If you are wondering where to find street art in Paris, this post is for you!

Paris’ 13th arrondissement

The 13th district’s town hall has developed this ambitious, daring and original project in partnership with the Galerie Itinerrance and the Galerie Mathgoth.
It struggled to get off the ground at first, since the craze for street art hadn’t really hit yet, but the Mayor wanted to highlight the cultural and artistic value of the area. And it was a good idea! Paris’ 13th arrondissement has become the new place to be for tourists and attracts more and more artists dreaming of sharing their art on the biggest walls in the city.
Official website: Street Art 13
Getting there: Metro line 14, station Olympiades

Does living in a colorful arrondissement where cultural and artistic diversity is encouraged sound appealing? Then feel free to check out our range of furnished rentals in the 13th arrondissement of Paris.

The Marais

The Marais is a place Parisians really enjoy visiting for its atmosphere, its beautiful streets and their poetic names, but also for its original street art.
A real emblem of diversity and tolerance, the Marais has many pieces of street art that follow the same themes. It has collages, paintings and graffiti, to name only a few, that reaffirm its identity and ideology.
This is why Parisians and tourists alike come here to look at unique artwork and reflect on the messages hidden behind each mural.
Getting there: metro line 1, station Saint-Paul


Belleville‘s walls display various pieces of street art, all full of colour and inspiration. More and more “street-art tours” are being lead there, offering tourists the opportunity to discover these amazing murals.
At the top of the park stands one of the most famous murals in Paris, created by the artist Seth for the 20 arrondissement’s town hall. Many people go there to enjoy the beautiful art but also the stunning view of the city.
Official website: Mairie du 20éme arrondissement de Paris
Getting there: Metro line 2, station Couronnes

The Rue de l’Ourcq

The Rue de l’Ourcq is located in Paris’ 19th arrondissement and displays a variety of stunning and colorful street art that attracts a lot of attention.
These frescoes decorating the walls and buildings of the street are mainly graffiti created by artists such as Dacruz, Sanez or even Seth as part of the operation “Art for Ourcq”. These creations extend along the Ourcq canal.
Getting there: Metro line 5, station Ourcq

Paris’ train stations

As a result of the partnership between SNCF Gares & Connexions and Quai 36, street art can be found in the different SNCF train stations in Paris.
Since public transport is a part of the daily routine of Parisians, what could be better than combining it with art? That’s why the SNCF asked 16 French and international artists to express their creativity on the walls of these stations, starting with Gare du Nord and Gare Saint-Lazare.
Official website: Quai 36
Would you like to know more about modern art in Paris? Then read our post about the first Street Art Museum in Paris.